Sunday, February 7, 2016

Easy Valentine's Day Chocolate Candy 'Planters'

My husband is pretty observant, and sometimes I forget about that fact.  I was reminded the other day when he walked in with this cute little farmhouse-themed, galvanized metal planter that he picked up a local farm and feed store. "I thought this looked like something you would like, so I brought it home for you", he said.  

What a sweetie!  Clearly he's paying attention to all my OCD decorating and vignette-ing, because he was spot-on with this.

It's a perfect fit for the family room, with it's Country French style, with touches of farmhouse and rustic.

It also turned out to be the impetus for an easy-peasy Valentine's Day project.   I wanted to do something simple and quick for Valentine's Day since I tend to not do much for this particular holiday (still recovering from Christmas).  

Chocolate always features prominently in our Valentine's Day celebrations every year, without fail, so when I saw these pretty little faux tulips a few days ago, a light went off.....  

Tulips 'planted' in my new planters that my husband gave me.  With Valentine-themed chocolate candies as the 'mulch'. 

Since I didn't want to buy a truckload of candy, I filled each planter with dried beans.    I didn't quite have enough beans to fill each one, so I grabbed some brown rice from my pantry to top off each planter. Even with the beans and rice, I used almost 4 bags of candy for this project.

The underlying beans perfectly support the well as some pretty Valentine's Day labels created with clip art from The Graphics Fairy (found here).  I hot-glued two copies of each clip art design to skewers.

Fun, easy, edible Valentine Day's floral centerpiece for the coffee table...  

Thanks for visiting and Happy Valentine's Day!


Linking to the following this week....
Roses of Inspiration Linkup at The Enchanting Rose
Brag-Worthy at Bless'er House
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Inspiration Thursday at In The New House Designs
Five Star Frou-Frou at a Tray of Bliss
Share It One More Time at DesignThusiasm

I was featured at.....


  1. Those are cute, but I would have a really hard time staying out of it all day long. :)

    1. Thanks Kim! I kept eating the candies as I put it all together.

  • I'm stopping in from my dear Stephanie's party, and so glad that I did. What an adorable display you have created!
    Your husband certainly has good taste, and what a sweet heart to think of you like that.
    Precious post, and so nice to have "met" you.

    Blessings~~ Debbie

    1. Thank you Debbie! I'm glad you were able to visit and enjoy my post! Nice to meet you as well.

  • Good evening, lovely lady! I just wanted to let you know that your wonderful "planter" will be featured at Roses of Inspiration tomorrow. Hugs to you!

  • Your planters are delicious :)

  • Oh my, Melissa, these are just beautiful! I saw your gorgeous planters at Stephanie's party and had to see more. Such a lovely blog you have. :)

    1. Thank you Robyn! I'm glad you enjoy my blog!

  • Aw, this is so adorable!! :D

    Dani xoxo
    a vapor in the wind

  • Great hubby indeed! It is darling and I especially love the candy mulch! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  • Your husband did well - love that cute galvanized planter. And, I love the idea of filling it with chocolate.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

    1. Thank you! At this point, most of the chocolate has been eaten!

  • Hello Melissa

    I've just come over after seeing your wonderful post hi-lighted on Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration!
    Perfect for Valentines Day and you will be able to ring the changes with the planters for other themes - so lovely!


  • I have that same exact metal planter and I never know what to put in it. This is such a great and creative idea! Thank you so much for sharing at Inspiration Thursday.

  • That is really pretty Melissa! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  • Such a lovely idea. Love the tulips and that planter is so cute. You are so creative and fun. About being a no-reply blogger.
    If your blogger account is connected to a google+ account, you need to disconnect them to perform the steps. You can re-connect them again afterwards. To do this, go to Blogger Homepage, click on the gears icon on the right and select Revert to Blogger Profile.
    On the Blogger Homepage, click on your name in the upper right hand corner. Click Blogger Profile and then Edit Profile. Under privacy, make sure “Show my Email” is ticked. You can change the email address under Identity. Scroll down and save.
    You can now re-connect your Blogger and Google+ accounts, this shouldn’t affect the settings.

    1. Thank you Linda! I'll definitely be following your helpful advice for fixing my no-reply blogger situation.

  • Love this idea. Cute as pie. Thanks for the idea.

  • Cute and easy Valentine's Day Chocolate Candy Planters! Really liked these ideas. This year’s Valentine's Day party was very enjoyable. We attended this annual party at one of local party venues and had a rocking time.

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