Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Red and Blue Transferware Journey

Collecting is an evolving process that reflects where you've been, where you currently are, and where you might be going.  My ever-growing collection of transferware is a good case in point.  I'd been a red-transferware kind of girl for a long time.  My mom always loved blue and white.  I grew up with it. I ate off of it.  It stared down at me from bookshelves and curio cabinets.  

So, once I had a place of my own, I decided I preferred red transferware instead.  It was bright and cheery and warm, it matched all the other touches of red that I was steadily adding to my house.  

And then, not too long ago, I started to pick up some blue and white. I decided I really liked it and bought more and more, but until just recently, always thought that I should display it separately from my red transferware.  'Put like things together' is the mantra of displaying collections, but I don't think that always necessarily means the same color.  

After all, the most dominant common theme of all these pieces is the 'transfer' pattern--- the organic, floral designs, little creatures, and romantic, fanciful scenes depicted on many of the plates-- patterns that are also repeated in other objects throughout my home.

I find that mixing red- and blue-transferware looks just fine, in fact I think it looks pretty fabulous, not to mention patriotic! 

Just in time for the Fourth of July, I put it all together on the oak sideboard that my mom gave me.  

What could be more fitting than displaying the colors that my mom loves..(in fact she gave me this little blue and white elephant).... 

.....with the colors that I love, on the oak sideboard that once belonged to my mom.  

A wonderful piece of furniture (albeit with a missing door, that's why she was able to get it at a fire sale price), with no lack of lovely, detailed ornamentation that echos the patterns on the plates, serving pieces, and other ceramic-ware items that it displays.  

So.... here is where I am now in my transferware-collecting journey.  I started off with red, made a detour to brown, as shown here in this post, and ultimately came back to the blue that I grew up with. And most importantly I broke out of the mindset that only the same colors can be displayed to together (although I'm pretty sure that I won't display the brown, red, and blue together-- maybe the blue and the brown, we'll see).

What will I be collecting next? Who of right now, I'm mostly interested in red, blue, and brown transferware. Although I'm not opposed to picking up a black transferware piece if the price is right (so perfect for one of my favorite holidays, Halloween); but black transferware is quite rare and pretty expensive.  Purple and lavender transfer ware is also very pretty (also nice for fall).  I'm not a fan of green or multi-colored transferware.....but you never know, that could change too...

Thanks for visiting!

Linking to the following this week....

Best of the Weekend at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Roses of Inspiration Linkup at The Enchanting Rose
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest
Inspiration Thursday at In The New House Designs
Five Star Frugal at a Tray of Bliss


  1. It's ALL beautiful! I have recently (well, 2 years ago) began to collect the blue and white, but I think the red and white is pretty, too! And I love that cabinet. It all goes together so well, and I really enjoyed looking at this today.

    1. Thank you Cynthia! I'm glad you were able to visit and enjoy this post.

  • Melissa, you are one lucky lady to receive that oak sideboard from your mother! She has excellent taste as do you! Love the photos, you have a great eye. Love the combining of the two colors, I think brown would be great with either color as well.

    1. Thank you Janet! This was a very lucky find for my mom and I'm thrilled to have it. Have a great week!

  • I've had my red & white transferware packed away, but now I see how lovely it looks displayed along with the blue. Your sideboard is beautiful and you've artfully displayed your collections. Thanks for sharing! Visiting from SSS.

    1. Thank you Vickie!

    2. Your blue and red is beautiful together! The more the merrier, I think.

      I too have lots of red and just recently started thinking that some blue and white platters need to come to my house. I don't mind old and new mixed together....whatever is affordable. :)

    3. Thanks Stacey! I agree-- go with whatever looks great together, no matter if it's old or new. And being easy on the wallet makes it even better.

  • So lovely!!! I collect red and white, brown and white and black and white...with a few pieces of green thrown in for good luck :^)
    Your cabinet is beautiful and the dishes help it be star of the show!!
    There is nothing better than gifts from Mom, and they get more precious in future years!

    1. Thank you! Yes, the things that my mom gives me are extra special.

  • Melissa,
    That sideboard is exquisite!!!
    I adore the blending of the blue and white and the red and white transferware, dear one!!!
    Your display is stunning, indeed!!!
    To me, there is nothing more marvelous than displaying dishes!!!

    1. Thank you Pat! Yes, pretty dishes look fantastic just about anywhere.

  • It is downright gorgeous! I started collecting red about 3 years ago, but like you; I have ran across some blue and couldn't resist. I haven't mixed mine together yet, but love the look! Especially love that sweet piece you have that has both red and blue on it. Gorgeous collection! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  • It's hard for me to pass up ANY color, I love it all. your sideboard is just amazing. It reminds me of my great-great grandmother's that I blogged about a couple of weeks ago. Your's is more ornate by far, but same time period. I never even noticed the missing door til you mentioned it!

    1. Thank you Debra, I can't resist color either. Funny, every time I look at my sideboard, the first thing my eye goes to is the missing door.

  • You have a lovely collection of transferware. And I like the way you have combined all the special pieces you have. It's a beautiful display. Have a great weekend.

  • Red, white, and blue isn't just for the 4th! Fun seeing the variety you have collected.

    1. Very true-- it's still sitting out on my sideboard!

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